Solar Street Lights: Troubleshooting Tips
In this article, we'll provide you with concise troubleshooting methods to address common issues faced with solar street lights.
Understanding the Troubleshooting Methods
If the green light is flashing: Check for strong ambient light or bright moonlight in the area. Remove the light source or relocate the solar street light accordingly.
If there is no strong light, the controller may be the issue. Consider replacing it.
If the red light is flashing and the load is off:
Test the controller's function by connecting a functioning controller to the light body and checking if the load operates normally. Replace the controller if needed. If the load remains off, the LED light source might be defective. Test its function with an adjustable power supply and replace it if necessary.
If the red light is continuously on and the battery is drained:
Monitor the availability of sunlight. If there have been consecutive sunless days, wait for the next sunny day to allow the solar panel to charge the battery. Functional charging is evident when the green light flashes during the day. In this case, the light will automatically turn on at night. You may have issues with the solar panel’s charging capability if multiple days of charging don’t bring in nighttime brightness.
Check the waterproof connector for any water-induced short circuits. Disconnect the solar panel-to-plug connection and inspect it.
Test the solar panel's function by disconnecting the plug and exposing it to direct sunlight. Measure the panel's voltage using a multimeter. A voltage reading above the specified range indicates proper functionality.
Verify the battery's function by disconnecting the battery cable and measuring its voltage with a multimeter. Activate the battery if the voltage is 0V using a DC power supply, or replace it if it falls below the specified range.
Identify any obstructions such as trees, fences, electric wires, or nearby light poles that block sunlight access to the solar street light. Ensure that the solar panel is installed at an angle perpendicular to the midday sun. Adjust the installation angle if necessary. Clean the solar panels to remove any obstructions like leaves, bird droppings, or sand that may hinder sunlight absorption.
By following these troubleshooting tips, you can overcome common issues and ensure your solar street lights function optimally.