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The Solar Power System: Identifying the Core Parts that Create Sustainable Energy

The Solar Power System: Identifying the Core Parts that Create Sustainable Energy

Sep 19, 2024

Namrata Agrawal

Solar power systems are trending because of their ability to create sustainable means of utilizing energy. Each of us wants to contribute to the well-being of our environment. One of the major ways of doing that is by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and increasing sustainable energy use. That’s when we decide to install solar panels on our rooftops for residential, industrial, or commercial use.

But how does a solar power system work? What crucial parts make it so good for the environment and give us long-term savings on bills?

The solar power system and its core parts

The parts that make up a solar power system include:

1. Battery
2. Solar panels
3. Charge controller
4. Inverter

1. Battery: The battery stores excess electricity generated by the solar panels during sunny days when there is less sun exposure and during the night times. The type of battery used impacts the solar system’s performance, maintenance requirements, and cost. The types of batteries used are lead acid, lithium-ion, and nickel-based batteries. Each of these batteries has its advantages and disadvantages based on weight, size, capacity, lifespan, and efficiency.

2. Solar panels: To put it simply, the solar panel transports the sun’s energy to the battery, and converts sunlight into electricity. The size and efficiency of these solar panels will define the charging speed.

3. Charge controller: The solar charge controller works by navigating the power flow of the sunlight from the solar panel to the battery and out to the appliance. So, the charge controller will ensure safe charging while protecting the battery from overcharging or experiencing deep discharge.

4. Inverter: As we mentioned above, most household appliances use AC power which is an Alternating Current. An inverter converts the DC (Direct Current) power absorbed from the sunlight into the battery to convert it to AC (Alternating Current) and then powers up appliances. The inverter’s wattage rating should be sufficient to handle the combined power draw of appliances.

Calculating your solar power system

If you design your solar power system needs, start by calculating the energy needs, battery capacity, and solar panel size. Choose a controller with a high amperage rating and an inverter with a wattage rating that matches your appliance needs.

You can build a solar power system that effectively meets your energy needs by understanding its components and interactions.